Media Coverage

  • Magnetic Nanobots Are the Future of Healthcare

    Researchers developed a new way to manage the collective movement of nanorobots. (No, not through mind control—though how awesome would that be?) A team from the Chinese University of Hong Kong applied swarm behaviors to small-scale bots, allowing “controlled morphological changes and splitting.”
  • Hong Kong scientists develop new 'nano-swarm' robots

    Media: CNN
    Led by Associate Professor Li Zhang, a team of scientists from the Chinese University of Hong Kong designed and implemented a strategy of using oscillating magnetic fields to create highly reconfigurable ribbon-like swarms of nano-robots, millions of magnetic nanoparticles each less than one micron wide, or one-fifth the length of a red blood cell.
  • Smart logistics solution for e-commerce merchants and couriers

    Media: ejinsight
    A team of tech entrepreneurs has developed a smart solution for the traditional logistics business. Graduates of the Chinese University of Hong Kong (CUHK) with a bachelor’s degree in computer engineering and a master’s degree in computer science and engineering, Chan and Cheung have accumulated years of IT experience before embarking on their entrepreneurial journey in 2017.
  • Shape-Changing Swarming Nanorobots Developed To Aid Complex Medical Surgeries

    Media: International Business Times
    In a bid to aid medical surgeries, a group of researchers hailing from China have developed unique nanorobots, minute machines that could go inside the human body and perform complex tasks to help with an ongoing procedure.
  • 變形納米機械人 入血管治中風

    Media: Apple Daily
  • 動物集體特性引入納米機械人

    Media: Sing Pao
  • 中大研發 變形納米機械人 除中風血栓

    Media: Oriental Daily News
  • 群體可形態轉變穿越血管檢測治療 中大研納米機械人 極微細助治癒中風

    Media: Lion Rock Daily
    香港中文大學(中大)機械與自動化工程學系副教授張立領導的研究團隊,最近將動物集體行動的特性引入納米機械人,成功控制納米機械人群體進行形態轉變和分裂成多個微型群體。這種具有環境適應性、可重組的微型群體在生物醫學應用具有很大的潛力,例如用作標靶治療、協助中風病人解決大腦血栓問題。研究結果已在頂尖國際科學期刊Nature Communications 發表。
  • 納米機械人識變形 除血栓治中風

    Media: Sky Post
  • 港中大團隊成功操控納米機械人集群 有助治療中風

    Media: Wen Wei Po
