Mathematics Placement Test

Not Available

Purpose of the Test

The Mathematics Placement Test is a pass-fail test! It tests a student's mathematical ability for studying calculus and other areas of mathematics in engineering. The test results are used to determine eligibility for enrollment in MATH1510 (Calculus for Engineers) in order to complete one of the graduation requirements for an Engineering programme.

Students who fail the test must take both MATH1020 (General Mathematics) and MATH1510 (Calculus for Engineers) in Term 1, 2023-24. Students who pass the test will only have to take MATH1510.

There are no exemptions made for the placement test!

Placement Test Schedule

The face-to-face placement test is scheduled for 11:00am – 12:00nn on Thursday, 17th August 2023.

Please arrive at 10:00 am at Lecture Theatre 1, Yasumoto International Academic Park to complete the test registration before the start of the test. 

Alternate seating will be arranged.


General Characteristics of the Test

  1. The test consists of 30 multiple-choice questions. Each question is worth of 3 points with a total of 90 points. Each item has only one acceptable answer. There is no penalty for any question if you pick the choice “I don’t know” for your answer, but there is a 1-point penalty for incorrect answer.
  2. Notes and calculators are not permitted during the test.
  3. Bring a valid, physical photo ID such as HKID or passport (not expired) and a few HB (#2) pencils. Please also get your JUPAS / Non-JUPAS Application Number ready in case Mathematics Department may ask such number for further verification.
  4. You are NOT allowed to use the followings during the test:
    • Cell phones, smart phones, and other electronic devices.
    • Any clocks, timers, or watches that beep or have audible alarms.
  5. A student who for medical or other compelling reasons is unable to sit for the placement test shall apply with documentary evidence by email to on or before 18th August 2023 (Friday). No late request or request without supporting documents will be considered. Family obligations, summer jobs, job interviews or other unexpected events are not acceptable reasons in general and will result in a fail grade for the placement test.
  6. If a student's application for absence is approved, only one make-up test will be arranged. The details are to be announced.  


Test Description

Below is a list of topics covered in the Mathematics Placement Test, which can be used as a study guide.

  1. Functions (including but not limited to:)
  1. Domain
  2. Range
  3. Composite function
  4. Inverse function
  5. Piecewise function
  6. Graphs


  1. Polynomials and Rational Functions (including but not limited to:)
  1. Factorial
  2. Binomial Coefficients
  3. Binomial Theorem
  4. Partial Fractions


  1. Exponential and Logarithmic Functions (including but not limited to:)
  1. Euler's Number


  1. Trigonometry (including but not limited to:)
  1. Radian
  2. Inverse Trigonometric Functions


  1. Sequence, Series and Power Series (including but not limited to:)
  1. Summation Sign
  2. Radius of Convergence


  1. Vectors (including but not limited to:)
  1. Vectors in 2D, 3D
  2. Dot, Cross Product


  1. Probability (including but not limited to:)
  1. Mean, Variance, Standard Deviation
  2. Binomial Distribution
  3. Geometric Distribution
  4. Poisson Distribution


  1. Complex Numbers (including but not limited to:)
  1. Polar Form
  2. Argand Diagram
  3. De Moivre's Theorem


  1. Miscellaneous (including but not limited to:)
  1. Algebric Simplification
  2. Law of Indices
  3. Isolating Term
  4. Quadratic Formula
  5. Completing Square
  6. Absolute Value
  7. Rationalization
  8. Difference Quotient
  9. Inequality


Mathematics Placement Test
17 August 2023
Lecture Theatre 1, Yasumoto International Academic Park